Caring for an individual with special needs is both a challenging and rewarding experience for any family. But what if something happens to you? It’s imperative to have a plan in place, like a special needs trust, to make sure that your special needs loved one will be covered for years to come.
Supplemental Needs Trust Planning
This type of trust can supplement the needs of a disabled loved one while allowing them to maintain their governmental benefits, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security, and Medicaid. Pennsylvania residents with disabilities are living longer lives thanks to the current medical advancements. This has made public benefits even more necessary during a disabled person’s lifetime.
Guardianship for Special Needs Pennsylvanians
A guardian can be anyone over the age of 18, regardless of any limitations or disabilities. This person will have the legal right to make decisions on your special needs loved one’s behalf. The special needs trust can also determine a guardianship to control the trust and assist your special needs loved one. This guardianship can oversee managing the assets of an individual, assisting with medical treatment decisions, or guardianship of both assets and a person’s medical decisions.
Pennsylvania Public Benefits Planning
The benefits of establishing a special needs trust can aid both you and your loved one. The beneficiary has a way to receive financial support without jeopardizing their eligibility for income-restricted programs or services. You have peace of mind that the assets of the trust will go directly to support your loved one’s lifetime expenses in Pennsylvania. Special needs trusts are irrevocable, which means creditors nor lawsuits can access the funds designated for your special needs loved one.
Our Northeast Pennsylvania firm has experience compiling a Special Needs or Supplemental Needs Trust that can provide for your loved ones in ways Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income cannot.
Bregman & Lantz Law is dedicated to supporting your Pennsylvania legal needs with Elder Law, Estate Planning, Estate Administration, and Special Needs Planning through every step of the way. We welcome you to contact us to learn more about how our Luzerne County firm can help meet your Special Needs Planning goals.